We work with partners offering all kinds of expert advice and practical solutions to problems including debt, energy, digital exclusion, income maximisation and more.
TBBT’s Connecting with Confidence partnership with Lloyds Bank and We Are Digital aims to tackle digital exclusion at a grassroots, community level.
The Green Doctors attended a total of 48 sessions at eleven different hubs in Darlington during the spring and autumn of 2022. This provided members with the opportunity to access invaluable energy saving advice, just as the energy crisis started to escalate.
Earlier this year we teamed up with Morrisons and the UK’s leading period care brand, Always, who gave us a brilliant donation of 1 million period products as part of their Always’ End Period Poverty programme
Supported by funding from Electricity North West during the autumn of 2021, Citizens Advice Manchester (CAM) attended sessions at TBBT hubs across Greater Manchester, in order to reach some of the region's most vulnerable residents and offer support with their energy issues and questions.
Based in Darlington, Morrison Trust’s principle objective is to support people into work, running a range of projects tailored to their clients’ age, needs and experiences.
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“One of our highlights of the past year has been working alongside the fantastic team at TBBT, to raise awareness of the free support services available to unemployed and under-employed people in north Manchester. In November, our team embarked upon a week-long roadshow, visiting a number of TBBT sites, receiving a great reception. It has been fantastic to connect with members, helping many people to explore new employment opportunities and move forwards on their journeys. With more activity planned for January 2023, we’re really looking forward to engaging with even more people, and continuing this great partnership.”
Tim O’Neill, Operations Manager at Yes Manchester CIO
“Working at TBBT’s hubs is very effective. On my first visit to Lostock alone, I picked up a week’s worth of referrals in an hour. It is hugely beneficial to be able to meet so many people face to face in a place where they feel comfortable and are happy to chat. It delivers positive impact for all of us.”
Gary Smith, Employment and Skills Service, Trafford Housing Trust